How to Feed the Body Any Spirit


With spring fast approaching, I am preparing for yet another spring clean in all facets of my life. This year is going to be different because I've decided not just to "spring clean", but to make an alteration to my lifestyle, for the better!

Now, don't worry, it's nothing major – so don't freak out.

This lifestyle alteration is so simple. It is all about re-discovering the things of importance and making small changes in day-to-day life to ensure that the health of your mind, body, soul and spirit are first and foremost in your daily decisions.

This all-over rejuvenation was prompted by the story of an inspiring woman who boldly faced her husband's sudden illness with the belief that good would come from it. The health challenge introduced the couple to a whole new way of living, enriched by nourishing from the inside out, eating clean, organic food and drinking lots of alkalised water (praise report – he has since been healed from the two different forms of cancer – that's motivation in itself to always be steadfast in hope!).

Their lifestyle change wasn't about being extreme but instead focusing on the things of benefit first. Indulging in a coffee or juice was not off limits – but the only rule was that they could only indulge when the things of importance came first – like WATER!

More often than not, when we put the things of importance first and foremost, we don't crave the other things that would not have benefited our body anyway.

As I think more deeply about it, I believe that the method of "putting the important things first and foremost", should be the foundation to living our best lives, if you agree…

Here are 100 ways to NOURISH your Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit!

      1. Water before man-made drinks
      2. Self-control before self-indulgence
      3. Greens before colourless foods
      4. Local markets before the supermarket
      5. Smaller portions before overindulging
      6. Probiotic cultured dairy before milk
      7. Good fats before deep fried
      8. Wisdom before ignorance
      9. True love before convenience
      10. Tea before coffee
      11. Slow conversations before gossip
      12. Fruit before confectionary
      13. Openness before judgement
      14. Self-awareness before self-promotion
      15. Sleep before social media
      16. Quiet thoughts before TV
      17. Cooking before eating out
      18. Riding before driving
      19. Walking before driving
      20. Veggies before fruit MM100ways_A_01
      21. Doing before contemplation
      22. Listening before talking
      23. Finding your passions before following the crowd
      24. Giving to others before rewarding yourself
      25. Fairness before inequity
      26. Reflection before action
      27. Comfortable in "YOU" before insecurity
      28. Taking responsibility before blaming
      29. Saying sorry before harbouring bitterness
      30. Family time before doing things for yourselfMM100ways_B_06
      31. Discernment before judgement
      32. Empathy before anger
      33. Grace before shallowness
      34. Outwardly focused before inwardly focused
      35. The "right thing" before righteousness
      36. Curiosity before demanding answers
      37. Stretching before sitting
      38. Authenticity before hiding behind a facade
      39. Hearty protein before empty sugarsMM100ways_B_01
      40. Finding contentment in the simple things before wanting more
      41. Impact before busywork
      42. Thankfulness before criticism
      43. Genuineness before inhibition
      44. Go with the flow before reluctance
      45. Quickly releasing burdens before being weighed down by them
      46. Win-win before winning
      47. Sacrifice before gratification
      48. Real food before junk food MM100ways_B_05
      49. Saying things of benefit before just "talking" for the sake of it
      50. Hoping before worrying
      51. Enjoying before hurrying
      52. Laughter before anger
      53. Giving before greed
      54. People before stuff
      55. Being resourceful before buying
      56. Sweating before slumber
      57. Finding natural energy before resorting to caffeine
      58. Saving before spending
      59. Relax before over-scheduling yourselfMM100ways_B_03
      60. Simplicity before complexity
      61. More sleep before busy-ness
      62. Trust before insecurity
      63. Chewing more before rushing
      64. Breathing deeply before sighing
      65. Believing before doubting
      66. Tidy spaces before clutter
      67. Slowness before rushing
      68. Creating before consuming
      69. Working out before laziness
      70. Good books before trash magsMM100ways_A_07
      71. Solitude before noise
      72. Delighting in the present moment before stressing about the future
      73. Making time to play before working yourself into the ground
      74. Honesty before white lies
      75. Encouraging before complaining
      76. Activities before procrastination
      77. Knowing the truth before deceit
      78. Smiling before frowning
      79. Spending earnings on benefiting your health and wellbeing before collecting possessions
      80. Outdoors before shoppingMM100ways_A_03
      81. Confidence before weakness
      82. Understanding before ignorance
      83. Love before hate
      84. Gratitude before ungratefulness
      85. Experiences before doing things for the sake of it.
      86. Bubbliness before sourness
      87. Originality before comparison
      88. Knowing your identity before seeking validation
      89. Generosity before stinginess
      90. Positivity before negativityMM100ways_B_04
      91. Friendships before creating cliques
      92. Believing victory before defeat
      93. Humility before pride
      94. Compassion before selfishness
      95. Imperfections before perfection
      96. Cherishing moments before wishing it away
      97. Light heartedness and joy before sorrow
      98. Thinking kind thoughts about yourself before analysing "imperfections"
      99. Support before scrutiny MM100ways_B_02
      100.  Living in faith before complacency

I urge you to brainstorm some of your own things of importance. What can you prioritise in your life?

When we prioritise, there is no room to be distracted or hindered by things of insignificance. I truly believe that when we make these simple yet powerful shifts in our lifestyle, other things that are toxic for the mind, body, soul and spirit lose the ability to thrive.

The key to doing this successfully is realising that when you make a decision of the mind, the body follows. Take authority and lead your mind first and foremost before something or someone else will.

Who's ready to make life brighter, greater and more beautiful than ever?

Refresh every part of your being this week and beyond. You're in control sister!

Much Love, Bec xx

A4 100 ways

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